7 Days: 6  Mr. Christmas Music Box

One of the Christmas presents from my parents. I was hoping to get a family picture, but that didn't work out...mainly because the roads are so bad that I missed most of the family get togetherness, well not all of it. I still got a warm plate of left overs. But by the time I left to come home, the roads had begun to ice over and now.... it's ugly. Then when I got to my house... I couldn't even make the turn into my street so my little car is outside in the street, along the side of the house and not in it's driveway. But, whew.... at least I'm not out in the middle of the street..... shoveling my little car out of a foot of slush and ice. Maybe tomorrow.

All in all.... after my complaining about the roads.... we had a great Christmas.

Hope you all had a Wonder Merry Christmas!


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