Book of photos

We (spreading arms wide) all have photos. Lots and lots of photos. Especially since digital cameras have made it so easy and cheap to take pictures. My parents have lots of "real" photos. You know. Those printed on Kodak paper. Mom has done a great job of putting these pictures in books. Some with labels, others without. I recently thought they might like some of the digitals we've all taken on various family trips, in one place. So.... I created this.

I used Blurb. Although you can't mess with their layouts, it was very easy to use. For those two pages you can see, I created one big collage in Photoshop.

Now.... if I only had ALL my pictures organized.


    I love it!

    I had trouble downloading their software.

    I think I will try again.



    It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. I'm thinking of doing one for my son in Afghanistan. Someone at work told me that Costco does these types of books, but I haven't looked into that.


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